If you are not yet ready to move or in no particular hurry, Biloba Club, a unique confidential property-matching service, may be right for you. It has advantages for both sellers and buyers – sellers who are prepared to wait for the price they want and buyers who are prepared to wait for the property they want rather than compromise.

As a seller, it allows you maximise your chances of achieving the full market value for your property by ensuring that when the right buyer materialises it will be brought to their attention and that in the meantime no-one else is even aware that it might be potentially for sale.

As a buyer, it allows you to be very particular about your potential property purchase and wait until the right property which closely matches your search criteria materialises without anyone else being aware of what you are looking for or that you might even be looking at all. You can even register a specific address for an exact match.

If this sounds interesting, we invite you to join Biloba Club. Membership of Biloba Club costs only £10 pcm per property or specific search registered.

As a member you agree that if we notify you of a match and following our introduction there is a sale of a property registered on our confidential database, you will inform us in writing of the agreed sale price within 7 days of the exchange of contracts and to subsequently pay us a commission based on the agreed sale price.

Our commission of 2% is shared equally between the seller and the purchaser with 1% commission payable by each member on the completion of the sale.

Please note that luxury properties can take years to sell and forever homes can take years to find.  Being on the register may not produce instant results but will ensure you are in the best possible position whether you are waiting for the right buyer or the right property.  

All members intending to sell their property benefit from unlimited introductions to any serious buyers whose search criteria closely correlates with their particular property throughout the period of their membership.

Similarly, all members intending to purchase a property benefit from unlimited introductions to off-market properties closely matching their specific search criteria throughout the period of their membership.

In order for the property-match to be as accurate as possible, we ask all members intending to sell to fill out and post to us by registered mail our Seller’s Registration Form which will give us an accurate description of all aspects of the property potentially for sale. Please note that there is no obligation to sell your property at any time during your membership. 

Similarly, we ask all members intending to purchase a property potential fill out and post to us by registered mail our Buyer’s Registration Form detailing all desired attributes of the property potentially to be purchased. Please note that there is no obligation to purchase any property at any time during your membership.

Both forms are necessarily comprehensive to ensure we don’t waste members’ time and only make an introduction where there is a reasonable likelihood of a successful property-match.

The information received from members is held on our secure encrypted database which we monitor constantly for matches. Only when we have identified a close match based on a property satisfying 90% of the search criteria listed as essential by a potential buyer do we notify a potential seller.

If once notified either the potential seller or the potential buyer informs us that they do not wish to sell or buy at this time we will take no further action in relation to that property-match and wait for another match.  However, if both the potential seller and the potential buyer are interested in exploring a sale at this time, we inform both of a property-match.

At this point after our commission has been paid by both members, they can either negotiate directly between themselves, use their own professional representatives, or take advantage of Biloba’s Confidential Property Mediation Service to broker the deal with our charges limited to the cost of our Opinions and expenses.     Please email [email protected] for the relevant Member’s registration form and a copy of Biloba’s Club’s terms and conditions.